PinnedIs bureaucracy logical for democracy?Before addressing the relationship between bureaucracy and democracy, it is necessary to clarify both the concept of bureaucracy and…May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
The Socio-Economic Impact of Syrian Refugees in GermanyThe issue of refugees has been a central topic in European politics for many years, with particular focus on the influx of Syrian refugees…Jan 2Jan 2
Zwischen den Welten: Integration als Brücke zu einer gemeinsamen ZukunftErklärung über den Zweck des Artikels und die QuelleNov 29, 2024Nov 29, 2024
Navigating Exile: The Syrian Diaspora’s Journey in Germany — Challenges, Contributions, and Future…IntroductionOct 3, 20241Oct 3, 20241
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Integration and Participation of Refugees and Migrants: Building Inclusive SocietiesAbstract:Oct 7, 2023Oct 7, 2023
Erforschung der Soziokratie: Ein kollaborativer und inklusiver Ansatz zur OrganisationsführungEinführung:Mar 25, 2023Mar 25, 2023
Exploring Sociocracy: A Collaborative and Inclusive Approach to Organizational GovernanceIntroduction:Mar 25, 2023Mar 25, 2023
“Age vs. Ability: Evaluating Leadership Potential in Young and Older Individuals”Introduction:Mar 16, 20231Mar 16, 20231